

°ê¤º¦a°Ï¼ú§U¦W³æ                          ³æ¦ì¡G·s¥x¹ô(¤¸)


1. ³¯ÄR¬ü
¦¨¥\¤j¾Ç¥~¤å¨t»P¬ü°ê©sµá´µ¤j¾ÇD. Kimbrough Oller¦@¦P¦X§@
¡§A Cross-Language Approach of the Emergence of the Speech Capacity in Infant Vocalization¡¨


1. ¼B¿þ¶³¡B¬h¥ß¨¥
¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|¾ú¥v»y¨¥¬ã¨s©Ò»P¬ü°ê«¢¦ò¤j¾ÇPeter Bol¦@¦P¦X§@
¡§Name Authority Files Database and China Biographical Database¡¨

C. °ê»Ú¦X§@¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|Ãþ

1. ´¿°ê²»
¡§¡¥Unfinished Revolution: Revisiting the Legacy of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen and His Time¡¦ International Academic Conference¡¨

2. ¾G¤å´f
¡§The International Conference on the Conceptual Change and Identity Making in Modern East Asia and the Workshop for Chinese Identity and the Formation of Modern State¡¨

D. °ê»Ú¦X§@½sµÛ¥Xª©Ãþ

1. Rostislav Berezkin¡]¥Õ­Y«ä¡^
¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|ªñ¥N¥v¬ã¨s©Ò»P«Xù´µ¬ì¾Ç°|Igor Alexandrovich Alimov¦@¦P¦X§@
¡§Publication of the Book Precious Scrolls (Baojuan) Functioning in the Culture of China, with Baojuan about Three Rebirths of Mulian as an Example¡¨

¬ü¬w¦a°Ï¼ú§U¦W³æ                          ³æ¦ì¡G¬ü¤¸

A. ¬ã¨s­pµeÃþ

1. Xun Liu¡]¼B ¨³¡^
Rutgers University
¡§Daoist History, Clerical Activism, and Local Society in Nanyang, 1600-2010¡¨

2. Kwai Hang Ng
University of California at San Diego
¡§Rule of Law from Below: Litigants in Housing Demolition Cases in China¡¨

3. Shin-Yi Chou
Lehigh University
¡§Socioeconomic Causes and Consequences of Low Birth Weight in Taiwan¡¨

4. Yong Z. Volz
University of Missouri
¡§Transplanting Modernity: Chinese Journalism and Western Influences, 1870s-1930s¡¨

5. Philip Silverman
California State University at Bakersfield
¡§Bridging Generation: Family History and Lifestyle¡¨

6. Byeong-Uk Yi
University of Toronto at Mississauga
¡§Studies of the Chinese Language and Ancient Chinese Logic¡¨

7. Hsiang Iris Chyi
University of Texas at Austin
¡§News Across the Great Wall: Analyzing Taiwan, Asian, and Western News Media¡¦s Web Strategies for Internet Users in China¡¨

8. Sonya Lee
University of Southern California
¡§Between Culture and Nature: Cave Temples of Sichuan¡¨

9. Zai Liang
State University of New York at Albany
¡§From Tidal Wave to Shortage: Understanding Recent Migration Dynamics in China¡¨

10. Scott Simon
University of Ottawa
¡§Emissaries of the Ancestors: Ethno-ornithology of Taiwan¡¦s Truku People¡¨

11. Weijie Song¡]§º°¶³Ç¡^
Rutgers University
¡§From Beijing to Taipei: Border-crossing Travel, Beijing Memory, and Taiwan Literature¡¨

12. Yuen Yuen Ang
Columbia University
¡§Budgetary Politics in Local China: A Mixed Methods Approach¡¨

B. ¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|Ãþ

1. Ann Waltner
University of Minnesota
¡§Matteo Ricci: His Map and Music¡¨

2. Hsin-Yang Wu¡]§dªY¶§¡^
North American Taiwan Studies Association
¡§The Seventeenth Annual Conference of the North American Taiwan Studies Association (NATSA 2011): The Trajectory of Taiwan in a Global Context¡¨

3. Clayton Dube
University of Southern California
¡§ECFA at One: The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement¡¦s First Year¡¨

C. ¥Xª©¸É§UÃþ

1. Jennifer Crewe
Columbia University Press
¡§Shi Zi: China¡¦s First Syncretist¡¨, translated and edited by Paul Fischer

2. Jennifer Crewe
Columbia University Press
¡§Nineteen Lectures on Chinese Philosophy and Its Implications Mou Zongsan¡¨, translated by Julie Lee Wei

3. William M. Hammell
Harvard University Asia Center
¡§Picturing the True Form: Daoist Visual Culture in Medieval China¡¨, by Shih-shan Susan Huang

4. Anne Routon
Columbia University Press
¡§Rivers of Time: A Cultural History of China¡¨, by Cho-yun Hsu, translated by Timothy D. Baker, Jr. and Michael S. Duke

D. ¾ÇªÌ¸É§UÃþ

1. Sylvia Li-chun Lin¡]ªLÄR§g¡^
University of Notre Dame
¡§Mediating the Past and the Present: Historical Documentary Films from Taiwan¡¨

2. Amy McNair
University of Kansas
¡§Catalogue of the Imperial Painting Collection in the Proclaiming Harmony Era: An Annotated Translation of Xuanhe Huapu «Å©MµeÃС¨

3. Yan Sun¡]®] ©¥¡^
Gettysburg College
¡§Constructing Ancient China: Identity and Power in the Western Zhou¡¨

4. Hui-Ching Chang¡]±i´f´¹¡^
University of Illinois at Chicago
¡§Naming China: Language, Politics, and Taiwanese Identity¡¨

5. Tong Soon Lee
Emory University
¡§Cultural Hybridity, Multiculturalism and the Nation-state: Musical Practices of the Peranakan Chinese in Singapore¡¨

6. Bettine Birge
University of Southern California
¡§Marriage, Law, and Social Order in the Age of Khubilai Khan: Together with an Annotated Translation of Marriage Cases from the Yuan Dianzhang (Statutes and Precedents of the Yuan Dynasty, 1322)¡¨

7. Chi-chiang Huang¡]¶À±Ò¦¿¡^
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
¡§The Buddhist Family Named Shi: The Elite Family¡¦s Patronage of Buddhism in the Southern Song (a book-length monograph)¡¨

E. «C¦~¾ÇªÌ¸É§UÃþ

1. Elaine M. Liu¡]¼B¬ü¨°¡^
University of Houston
¡§The Impact of Family Size on Risk Sharing among Migrant Workers in China¡¨

2. Lei-Shih Chen
Texas A&M University
¡§Knowledge, Attitudes, and Intentions Regarding Advanced Reproductive Genetic Testing among Parents of Children with Disabilities in Taiwan¡¨

3. David Mozina
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
¡§Quelling the Divine: The Performance of a Talisman in Contemporary Daoist Thunder Ritual¡¨

F. ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¯d¾Ç¥Í³Õ¤h½×¤å¼ú¾Çª÷Ãþ

1. Chia-Ying Shih¡]¬I¨Î¼ü¡^
University of Washington
¡§Acerbic Exhortation: Modern Chinese Satirical Fiction in Wartime (1937-1945) Chongqing¡¨

2. Hsin-Chieh Li¡]§õªY¼ä¡^
University of California at Irvine
¡§Subject as a Question: An Interpretive Reading of Winds and the Moon­·¤ë³ø, a Popular Magazine in Colonial Taiwan, 1937-1944¡¨

3. Yin Wang¡]¤ý ¿o¡^
University of California at San Diego
¡§Cold War Transformations: Transpacific America and Cultural Pursuits from Taiwan¡¨

4. Yu-An Lu¡]¿c­§¦w¡^
Stony Brook University
¡§The Role of Alternation in Phonological Relationships¡¨

5. Chia-Fen Chang¡]±i¨Î´Ù¡^
New York University
¡§Grotowski¡¦s Illegitimate Child: Art as Vehicle Theatre in Taiwan¡¨

6. Po-wei Weng¡]¯Î¬f°¶¡^
Wesleyan University
¡§Music, Technology, and Mediated Modernity: Soundscape of Pili Budaixi in Taiwan¡¨

7. Chunghao Kuo¡]³¢©¾»¨¡^
New York University
¡§Food-related Technology, Culinary Knowledge, and Regional Gastronomy in Early Modern China (from the mid-Ming Era to the Early 18th Century)¡¨

8. Yi-Hsiang Chang¡]±i¯q²»¡^
Columbia University
¡§Negotiated Legal Modernity: Chinese Judges in the Period of Legal Reform, 1907-1937¡¨

9. Ying-Chen Peng¡]´^¬Õ¯u¡^
University of California at Los Angeles
¡§This Imperial Body: The Cultural Enterprise of Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908)¡¨

10. Wei-Ti Chen¡]³¯Þ³²ý¡^
University of Chicago
¡§Geo-social Mobility and Jurisdictional Obstacles for Taiwanese Doctors under Japanese Colonialism¡¨

11. Fei-Hsien Wang¡]¤ý­¸¥P¡^
University of Chicago
¡§Translating/Translated Profit: The Curious Journey of ¡¥Copyright¡¦ in China (1868-1937)¡¨

12. Lin-Yi Tseng¡]´¿ÄÖ»ö¡^
City University of New York
¡§Travelers under Japanese Imperialism: The Commercial Activities, Social Networks, and Modernity of Taiwanese Sekimin in the Zhaoshan Area (1895-1945)¡¨

13. Ching-Chih Lin¡]ªL·q´¼¡^
University of California at Berkeley
¡§Take Me to the Water: Environmental Transformation and Religious Adaptation among Boat-dwellers in Modern Shandong and Jiangsu¡¨

14. Kuei-Chen Lin¡]ªL¦c°»¡^
University of California at Los Angeles
¡§Social Complexity and Inter/Regional Interactions, Exemplified by the Sichuan Basin, China of the Bronze Age¡¨

15. Kuan-Hung Chen¡]³¯¼eÂE¡^
University of Hawai¡¥i at M?noa
¡§Knowledge and Conduct: Reexamining the Epistemic and Ethical Stances of Xunzi¡¨

16. Ya-Wen Lei¡]¹p¶®¶²¡^
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
¡§Consolidation of China¡¦s Counterpublic Spheres in Cyberspace: The Simultaneous Process of Constructing Online Counterpublic Spheres, Legality, and Citizen Identity¡¨

17. Yu-Ju Chien¡]²§±¾§¡^
University of Minnesota
¡§Constructing Knowledge and Policies on Avian Influenza: How are Global Disease Policies and the Discourse on ¡¥the Other¡¦ Manufactured?¡¨

18. Li-Chung Cheng¡]¾G§©¾¡^
University of Chicago
¡§The Co-construction of Profession and Politics: The Formation of Engineering Mind-set and the Neglect of Environmental-health Risk Governance in Taiwanese Administrative Regime of Environmental Protection, 1980-2010¡¨

19. Wen-Jiun Wang¡]¤ý¤å§g¡^
University of Pittsburgh
¡§The Formation of Inter-Organizational Networks in Extreme Events: A Comparative Study of the 1999 ChiChi Earthquake and the 2009 Typhoon Morakot¡¨

20. Ling-Fei Lin¡]ªL¬Â¦m¡^
Cornell University
¡§The Island of Normal Engineering: How Taiwanese Contract Manufacturers Matter in the History of Laptop Production, 1980-2005¡¨

21. Wei-Ting Wu¡]¥îºû´@¡^
City University of New York
¡§Expanding Political Space: Domestic Violence, Women¡¦s Groups and the State in

22. Kuen-Da Lin¡]ªL©[¹F¡^
University of Wisconsin at Madison
¡§Separation Anxiety: Explaining China¡¦s Neighborhood Policies¡¨


1. Hui-Ling Yang¡]·¨´f¬Â¡^¡]¤H¤å¾Ç¬ì²Õ³Æ¨ú1¡^
Arizona State University
¡§Grammaticalization in Hakka, Mandarin and Southern Min: The Interaction of Negatives with Interrogatives, Modality and Aspect¡¨


1. Hsiao-Ting Huang¡]¶ÀßN´@¡^¡]ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç²Õ³Æ¨ú1¡^
McGill University
¡§Tracing the Sporting Body across the Strait: A Comparative Study on Girls¡¦ Physical Education in Taiwan and China¡¨

G. ³Õ¤h½×¤å¼ú¾Çª÷Ãþ

1. Ke Li¡]§õ ¬_¡^
Indiana University at Bloomington
¡§Seeking Divorce in the Countryside: Marital Grievances, Dispute Resolution, and Gender Inequalities in Contemporary China¡¨

2. Ori Tavor
University of Pennsylvania
¡§Bio-spiritual Practices and Ritual Theories in Early and Medieval China¡¨

3. Junpeng Li
Columbia University
¡§Hayek¡¦s Disciples: Liberal Intellectuals in Post-Tiananmen China¡¨

4. William Nitzky
Arizona State University
¡§Living Heritage: The Cultural Politics of Heritage Protection in China¡¨

5. Gregory Scott
Columbia University
¡§Practices of Authenticity: Print Culture and the Modern Reconstruction of Buddhism in China¡¨

6. Jiayao Han
University of Pittsburgh
¡§Creating Visual Emblems for Eastern Zhou Militarized Frontier Societies (771-221 BCE)¡¨

7. Yi Kang
Yale University
¡§Turning Crises into Chances: Disaster Politics in Authoritarian Regimes¡¨

8. Chia-Yi Seetoo
University of California at Berkeley
¡§Kinaesthetic Inscriptions: Dancing/Writing the Global from Taiwan¡¨

9. Liping Wang
University of Chicago
¡§Ethnicizing the Frontier: Chinese Imperial Crisis and the Transformation of the Inner Mongolian Frontier, 1890-1949¡¨

10. Li Jiang¡]½± ÃU¡^
Harvard University
¡§Nominal Phrases and Language Variations¡¨

11. Hongyu Wu
University of Pittsburgh
¡§Leading the Good Life: Biographical Narratives and Instructions for Buddhist Lay Women in the High Qing (1683-1839)¡¨

12. Aurelia Campbell
University of Pennsylvania
¡§Emperors, Eunuchs, Craftsmen, and the Creation of the Gan-Qing Architectural Style in Early Ming China¡¨

13. Xiaoli Tian
University of Chicago
¡§Relocating Science: Medical Mission and Western Medicine in 19th-Century China¡¨

14. Oiyan Liu
Cornell University
¡§How Overseas Chinese Became Citizens of the Empires¡¨

15. Boliang Zhu¡]ªÇªi«G¡^
Columbia University
¡§Domestic Political Institutions and the Sectoral Composition of Inward Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries¡¨

16. Byung-Ho Lee¡]§õªÃÂî¡^
University of Michigan
¡§China between Empire and Nation: A Study of Making and Clearing Ethnic Group Boundaries¡¨

17. Scott Gregory¡]¸¯«ä¥­¡^
Princeton University
¡§The Uses of the Margins: A Social History of the Shuihu Zhuan¡¨

18. Yan Long¡]Às «Û¡^
University of Michigan
¡§Constructing Political Actorhood: The Emergence and Transformation of the AIDS Movement in China, 1989-2009¡¨

19. Christy Delair
Brown University
¡§Crafting Indigenous Identity in Taiwan: The Role of Handicrafts in the Negotiation of Community¡¨

20. Jeffrey Rice
University of Pennsylvania
¡§Northern Song Reflections on the Tang¡¨

21. Tong Blackburn¡]µ{ §Í¡^
Indiana University at Bloomington
¡§Transcultural Hybridity in the Operas of Chinese-born American Composers: Bright Sheng, Tan Dun, and Zhou Long¡¨

22. Liangyu Fu¡]³Å¨}·ì¡^
University of Pittsburgh
¡§Found in Translation: Western Science Books, Maps, and Music in China, 1860-1920¡¨

23. Meina Cai¡]½²¬ü®R¡^
University of Wisconsin at Madison
¡§Political Origins of Property Rights: Public Finance, Land Property and Economic Growth in China¡¨

24. Charlotte Develyn
University of Hawai¡¥i at M?noa
¡§Sounding ¡¥Mongolian¡¦: The Horse-head Fiddle in Inner Mongolia, China¡¨

25. Olivier Henripin
Northwestern University
¡§Where is China? Cross-Strait Relations and the Strategic Social Construction of the Chinese National Homeland after 1949¡¨

H. ¥[®³¤j¨È¬w¬ã¨s¨ó·|³Õ¤h«á¬ã¨s¼ú§Uª÷¤Î³Õ¤h½×¤å¼ú¾Çª÷Ãþ

1. Olga Alexeeva
University of Quebec at Montreal
¡§Energy and Environmental Issues in Chinese Geopolitics: A Case Study of Mekong River Conflict¡¨

2. Alanna Krolikowski
University of Toronto
¡§China-U.S. Cooperation and Competition in Civil Air and Space¡¨

3. Craig Smith
University of British Columbia
¡§Asianism at the Margins of the Japanese Empire¡¨

¼Ú¬w¦a°Ï¼ú§U¦W³æ                          ³æ¦ì¡G¼Ú¤¸

A. ¾Ç³N¾÷ºc¸É§UÃþ

1. Joaquin Beltran
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain)
¡§East Asian Studies Undergraduate Program at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain¡¨

B. ¬ã¨s­pµeÃþ

1. Weipin Tsai
University of London (UK)
¡§Out of Many, One: The Transformation of Private Letter Hongs into a National Chinese Postal Service in the Late Qing Period¡¨

2. Vincent Goossaert
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)
¡§Chinese Religions in France¡¨

C. ¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|Ãþ

1. Jeffrey Henderson
University of Bristol (UK)
¡§China Rising: Towards a Global-Asian Era?¡¨

D. ¥Xª©¸É§UÃþ

1. Jana S. Ro?ker
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
¡§Traditional Chinese Philosophy and the Paradigm of Structure (Li ²z)¡¨

2. Aurelie Nevot
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)
¡§Versets chamaniques d¡¦un Maitre de la psalmodie (Shamanic Verses of a Master of Psalmody)¡¨

3. Boris Riftin¡]§õºÖ²M¡^
Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
¡§The Chinese Novel and Popular Prints¡¨

4. Ekaterina Zavidovskaya¡]¸­¥i¹Å¡^
Saint Petersburg State University (Russia)
¡§Publication Subsidy for Publishing Popular Religion in Modern Taiwan: Temple Associations and Religious Activities¡¨

5. Shuang Xu
Universite Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (France)
¡§Imaginaires de l¡¦exil dans les litteratures contemporaines en Chine et au Japon (Imaginary of Exile in Contemporary Literature in China and in Japan)¡¨

E. ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¯d¾Ç¥Í³Õ¤h½×¤å¼ú¾Çª÷Ãþ

1. Ching-Ling Wang¡]¤ýÀRÆF¡^
Freie Universitat Berlin (Germany)
¡§Praying for Ten-thousand Goodness: Research on Buddha¡¦s Preaching by Ding Guanpeng¡¨

2. Pin-Chu Shih¡]¬I«~¦±¡^
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (France)
¡§Money Trees in Southwest China, 1st - 3rd Century: Style, Iconography, Religious and Social Significance¡¨

3. Shuli Wang¡]¤ýµÎ«W¡^
University of London (UK)
¡§Heritage on Display - The Poetics and Politics of China¡¦s Yinxu Archaeological Site Museum in the Making¡¨

4. Chun-Yu Lin¡]ªL§g¿Ù¡^
Lancaster University (UK)
¡§Border Control and Intimate Citizenship - A Study on the Affective Apparatus and Policies Concerning of Marriage Migrants from Southeast Asian Countries and Mainland China in Taiwan¡¨

5. Ya-Han Chuang¡]²ø¶®²[¡^
Universite de Paris IV - Paris Sorbonne (France)
¡§Two Modes of Chinese Globalisation: The New Chinese Community in France¡¨

6. Li-Wen Shih¡]¬IÄR¶²¡^
Lancaster University (UK)
¡§Body Enacted: Pleasure and Anxiety in Prenatal Genetic Screening and Testing in Taiwan¡¨

7. Yi-Yang Hung¡]¬x¤@´­¡^
University of Oxford (UK)
¡§Fashioned Space - The Assemblage of Fashion as Affective Material¡¨

8. Hung-Jen Wang¡]¤ý§»¤¯¡^
University of Tubingen (Germany)
¡§The Making of International Relations Theory in China¡¨

9. Chien-Yu Shih¡]¨Í«Ø¦t¡^
University of London (UK)
¡§Uyghur Nationalism and Xinjiang in China-Central Asian Relations¡¨

10. Kuan-Hsun Chen¡]³¯«a¦°¡^
University of Edinburgh (UK)
¡§Benefit Sharing as Fair Terms of Social Cooperation in a Large-Scale Biomedical Database Project¡¨

11. Chenching Cheng¡]¾G·©¼y¡^
University of Edinburgh (UK)
¡§Transcending Ideological Boundaries during the Cold War Period in Pan Chinese Popular Music - The Case of Teresa Teng¡¨


1. Yu-Wen Chou¡]©P­§¤å¡^¡]ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç²Õ­Ô¸É2¡^
Freie Universitat Berlin (Germany)
¡§Berlin and Shanghai, Women in the Modern Times: The ¡¥New Woman¡¦ in Early Chinese and German Cinema¡¨

F. ³Õ¤h½×¤å¼ú¾Çª÷

1. Pablo Blitstein¡]¥Û«Où¡^
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (France)
¡§The Political Art of Texts: Political Dimensions of Textual Production in 5th - 6th Century Southern China¡¨

2. Yi Chen¡]³¯ ½Ë¡^
University of Oxford (UK)
¡§Interregional Interaction and Social Development ¡V Southern China from 3000 to 500 BC¡¨

3. Hailian Chen¡]³¯®ü³s¡^
University of Tubingen (Germany)
¡§Metal for Coin and Brass: Zinc Miners, Transporters, Merchants and Bureaucrats in Qing China, c.1684 ¡V 1835¡¨

4. J. Henning Huesemann¡]®}¬ù©M¡^
Leipzig University (Germany)
¡§Record and ¡¥Reality¡¦: Knowledge Construction in the Shuijing zhu of Li Daoyuan¡¨

5. Yijie Zhuang¡]²ø«³ªN¡^
University of Cambridge (UK)
¡§Landscape Change and its Interaction with Prehistoric Human Activities: Geoarchaeological Investigation in North China¡¨

6. May Farid
University of Oxford (UK)
¡§¡¥Wild Children¡¦: China¡¦s Grassroots Development Organizations and their Relationships with Local Government¡¨

7. Jacqueline Hobbs
University of Cambridge (UK)
¡§When the Milkbird Comes: Amdo-Tibetan Constructions of Time in Qinghai Province, PRC¡¨

8. Elisa Cencetti¡]¦ã²ú²ï¡^
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (France)
¡§The Sedentarization of Nomads: Transformation and Sociopolitical Reorganization of Amdo Tibetan Herders (Qinghai, P.R.C.)¡¨

9. Juliette Genevaz
University of Oxford (UK)
¡§The Chinese Revolutionary Army in the Reform Era (1980-2010)¡¨

10. Guillaume Dutournier¡]§ù³Ç±e¡^
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (France)
¡§Claiming Simplicity: The Philosophical Practice of Lu Jiuyuan ³°¤E²W (1139-1193). A Socio-historical Study of Distinctiveness in Southern Song Neo-Confucianism¡¨

11. Andreas Siegl
University of Munich (Germany)
¡§Discussing Power: Manchus, Mongols and Tibetans in Dialogue¡¨

12. Kathrin Messing
University of Munich (Germany)
¡§Story and History in Chen Shou¡¦s Sanguo zhi?¡¨


1. Wai Ling So¡]Ĭ´f¬Â¡^¡]­Ô¸É1¡^
University of London (UK)
¡§Competition and Cooperation: Diederichsen, Jebsen & Company in German Qingdao and its Hinterland of Shandong¡¨

2. Pan Junliang¡]¼ï§g«G¡^¡]­Ô¸É2¡^
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (France)
¡§Spirit Possession during the Six Dynasties¡¨

3. Marie-Helene Bernard¡]­Ô¸É3¡^
Universite de Paris IV - Paris Sorbonne (France)
¡§R-R-R (Residence-Resonance-Resistance) Chinese Composers and Globalization¡¨


1. Frederick Shih-Chung Chen¡]³¯¥@±R¡^
University of Oxford (UK)
¡§The Early Formation of the Buddhist Otherworld Bureaucracy in Early Medieval China¡¨


A. ¬ã¨s­pµeÃþ

1. Martin Slobodnik
Comenius University (Slovakia)
¡§Islam in China: A Textbook¡¨

2. Agita Baltgalve and Julija Gumilova
University of Latvia (Latvia)
¡§Basic Chinese Language Lessons for Latvians¡¨

B. ¹Ï®ÑÀ]¸É§UÃþ

1. Aurelijus Zykas and Justina Razumait?
Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
¡§Development of Vytautas Magnus University Library Funds on Chinese and Taiwanese Studies¡¨

2. Jerzy Domaslowski and Monika Szmyt
Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)
¡§Library Acquisition Grant for the Department of Art History, Adam Mickiewicz University¡¨

C. ³X°Ý¾ÇªÌÃþ

1. Frank Kraushaar and Ieva Haas
University of Latvia (Latvia)
¡§Visiting Professorships for Chinese Classics and Ancient China at the Research Center for East Asian Studies (University of Latvia) and its Baltic Partner Institutes¡¨

D. ²¾¦a¬ã¨s¸É§UÃþ

1. Jana S. Ro?ker
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
¡§Participating in the XVIIth ISCP (International Society for Chinese Philosophy) Conference with a Presentation ¡¥A Structural Reinterpretation of the Neo-Confucian Binary Category Li ²z and Qi ®ð¡¦¡¨

2. Mitja Saje
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
¡§Attending a Workshop in Chinese Culture for the Students of Sinology Programme in Croatia: Delivering Lectures in Chinese History¡¨

3. Helena Motoh
University of Primorska (Slovenia)
¡§Attending a Workshop in Chinese Culture for the Students of Sinology Programme in Croatia: Delivering Lectures in Chinese Literature¡¨

¨È¤Ó¦a°Ï¼ú§U¦W³æ                          ³æ¦ì¡G¬ü¤¸

A. ¬ã¨s­pµeÃþ

1. Glenn R. Summerhayes
University of Otago (New Zealand)
¡§Austronesian Expansion - A New Guinea Corridor?¡¨

2. Ka-wai Fan¡]­S®a°¶¡^
City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
¡§A Study of the Bureau for Revising Medical Classics in Northern Song China¡¨

3. Wan-tai Zheng¡]¾G§»®õ¡^
The University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
¡§Chinese Family Business and Stock Market: A Comparative and Cooperative Study in Shanghai, Taiwan and Hong Kong¡¨

4. James H. Liu
Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand)
¡§The Benevolent Authority Model of Societal Organization¡¨

5. Hsiao-chun Hung¡]¬x¾å¯Â¡^
The Australian National University (Australia)
¡§Archaeological Research of Austronesian Neolithic Origins and Relations at the House of Taga Site in Tinian, Mariana Islands¡¨

6. Michael Haugh
Griffith University (Australia)
¡§Politeness in Taiwan¡¨

B. ¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|Ãþ

1. Pham Van Duc¡]­S¤å¼w¡^
Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (Vietnam)
¡§The International Conference on Vietnamese Confucianism and East Asian Culture¡¨

C. ¥Xª©¸É§UÃþ

1. Dennitza Gabrakova
City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
¡§Publication of a Monograph Weed Dreams: Home and Hope in Modern Japan¡¨

2. Michael Duckworth
Hong Kong University Press (Hong Kong)
¡§Publication of¡m¤¦«C©M¼v¹³¡G¦­´Á¤¤°êÄá¼v¡n(Brush and Shutter: Early Photography in China)¡¨