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¦¨¥\¤j¾Ç¥~¤å¨t»P¬ü°ê©sµá´µ¤j¾ÇD. Kimbrough Oller¦@¦P¦X§@
¡§A Cross-Language Approach of the Emergence of the Speech Capacity in Infant Vocalization¡¨
1. ¼B¿þ¶³¡B¬h¥ß¨¥
¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|¾ú¥v»y¨¥¬ã¨s©Ò»P¬ü°ê«¢¦ò¤j¾ÇPeter Bol¦@¦P¦X§@
¡§Name Authority Files Database and China Biographical Database¡¨
C. °ê»Ú¦X§@¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|Ãþ
1. ´¿°ê²»
¡§¡¥Unfinished Revolution: Revisiting the Legacy of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen and His Time¡¦ International Academic Conference¡¨
2. ¾G¤å´f
¡§The International Conference on the Conceptual Change and Identity Making in Modern East Asia and the Workshop for Chinese Identity and the Formation of Modern State¡¨
D. °ê»Ú¦X§@½sµÛ¥Xª©Ãþ
1. Rostislav Berezkin¡]¥ÕY«ä¡^
¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|ªñ¥N¥v¬ã¨s©Ò»P«Xù´µ¬ì¾Ç°|Igor Alexandrovich Alimov¦@¦P¦X§@
¡§Publication of the Book Precious Scrolls (Baojuan) Functioning in the Culture of China, with Baojuan about Three Rebirths of Mulian as an Example¡¨
¬ü¬w¦a°Ï¼ú§U¦W³æ ³æ¦ì¡G¬ü¤¸
A. ¬ã¨spµeÃþ
1. Xun Liu¡]¼B ¨³¡^
Rutgers University
¡§Daoist History, Clerical Activism, and Local Society in Nanyang, 1600-2010¡¨
2. Kwai Hang Ng
University of California at San Diego
¡§Rule of Law from Below: Litigants in Housing Demolition Cases in China¡¨
3. Shin-Yi Chou
Lehigh University
¡§Socioeconomic Causes and Consequences of Low Birth Weight in Taiwan¡¨
4. Yong Z. Volz
University of Missouri
¡§Transplanting Modernity: Chinese Journalism and Western Influences, 1870s-1930s¡¨
5. Philip Silverman
California State University at Bakersfield
¡§Bridging Generation: Family History and Lifestyle¡¨
6. Byeong-Uk Yi
University of Toronto at Mississauga
¡§Studies of the Chinese Language and Ancient Chinese Logic¡¨
7. Hsiang Iris Chyi
University of Texas at Austin
¡§News Across the Great Wall: Analyzing Taiwan, Asian, and Western News Media¡¦s Web Strategies for Internet Users in China¡¨
8. Sonya Lee
University of Southern California
¡§Between Culture and Nature: Cave Temples of Sichuan¡¨
9. Zai Liang
State University of New York at Albany
¡§From Tidal Wave to Shortage: Understanding Recent Migration Dynamics in China¡¨
10. Scott Simon
University of Ottawa
¡§Emissaries of the Ancestors: Ethno-ornithology of Taiwan¡¦s Truku People¡¨
11. Weijie Song¡]§º°¶³Ç¡^
Rutgers University
¡§From Beijing to Taipei: Border-crossing Travel, Beijing Memory, and Taiwan Literature¡¨
12. Yuen Yuen Ang
Columbia University
¡§Budgetary Politics in Local China: A Mixed Methods Approach¡¨
B. ¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|Ãþ
1. Ann Waltner
University of Minnesota
¡§Matteo Ricci: His Map and Music¡¨
2. Hsin-Yang Wu¡]§dªY¶§¡^
North American Taiwan Studies Association
¡§The Seventeenth Annual Conference of the North American Taiwan Studies Association (NATSA 2011): The Trajectory of Taiwan in a Global Context¡¨
3. Clayton Dube
University of Southern California
¡§ECFA at One: The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement¡¦s First Year¡¨
C. ¥Xª©¸É§UÃþ
1. Jennifer Crewe
Columbia University Press
¡§Shi Zi: China¡¦s First Syncretist¡¨, translated and edited by Paul Fischer
2. Jennifer Crewe
Columbia University Press
¡§Nineteen Lectures on Chinese Philosophy and Its Implications Mou Zongsan¡¨, translated by Julie Lee Wei
3. William M. Hammell
Harvard University Asia Center
¡§Picturing the True Form: Daoist Visual Culture in Medieval China¡¨, by Shih-shan Susan Huang
4. Anne Routon
Columbia University Press
¡§Rivers of Time: A Cultural History of China¡¨, by Cho-yun Hsu, translated by Timothy D. Baker, Jr. and Michael S. Duke
D. ¾ÇªÌ¸É§UÃþ
1. Sylvia Li-chun Lin¡]ªLÄR§g¡^
University of Notre Dame
¡§Mediating the Past and the Present: Historical Documentary Films from Taiwan¡¨
2. Amy McNair
University of Kansas
¡§Catalogue of the Imperial Painting Collection in the Proclaiming Harmony Era: An Annotated Translation of Xuanhe Huapu «Å©MµeÃС¨
3. Yan Sun¡]®] ©¥¡^
Gettysburg College
¡§Constructing Ancient China: Identity and Power in the Western Zhou¡¨
4. Hui-Ching Chang¡]±i´f´¹¡^
University of Illinois at Chicago
¡§Naming China: Language, Politics, and Taiwanese Identity¡¨
5. Tong Soon Lee
Emory University
¡§Cultural Hybridity, Multiculturalism and the Nation-state: Musical Practices of the Peranakan Chinese in Singapore¡¨
6. Bettine Birge
University of Southern California
¡§Marriage, Law, and Social Order in the Age of Khubilai Khan: Together with an Annotated Translation of Marriage Cases from the Yuan Dianzhang (Statutes and Precedents of the Yuan Dynasty, 1322)¡¨
7. Chi-chiang Huang¡]¶À±Ò¦¿¡^
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
¡§The Buddhist Family Named Shi: The Elite Family¡¦s Patronage of Buddhism in the Southern Song (a book-length monograph)¡¨
E. «C¦~¾ÇªÌ¸É§UÃþ
1. Elaine M. Liu¡]¼B¬ü¨°¡^
University of Houston
¡§The Impact of Family Size on Risk Sharing among Migrant Workers in China¡¨
2. Lei-Shih Chen
Texas A&M University
¡§Knowledge, Attitudes, and Intentions Regarding Advanced Reproductive Genetic Testing among Parents of Children with Disabilities in Taiwan¡¨
3. David Mozina
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
¡§Quelling the Divine: The Performance of a Talisman in Contemporary Daoist Thunder Ritual¡¨
F. ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¯d¾Ç¥Í³Õ¤h½×¤å¼ú¾Çª÷Ãþ
1. Chia-Ying Shih¡]¬I¨Î¼ü¡^
University of Washington
¡§Acerbic Exhortation: Modern Chinese Satirical Fiction in Wartime (1937-1945) Chongqing¡¨
2. Hsin-Chieh Li¡]§õªY¼ä¡^
University of California at Irvine
¡§Subject as a Question: An Interpretive Reading of Winds and the Moon·¤ë³ø, a Popular Magazine in Colonial Taiwan, 1937-1944¡¨
3. Yin Wang¡]¤ý ¿o¡^
University of California at San Diego
¡§Cold War Transformations: Transpacific America and Cultural Pursuits from Taiwan¡¨
4. Yu-An Lu¡]¿c§¦w¡^
Stony Brook University
¡§The Role of Alternation in Phonological Relationships¡¨
5. Chia-Fen Chang¡]±i¨Î´Ù¡^
New York University
¡§Grotowski¡¦s Illegitimate Child: Art as Vehicle Theatre in Taiwan¡¨
6. Po-wei Weng¡]¯Î¬f°¶¡^
Wesleyan University
¡§Music, Technology, and Mediated Modernity: Soundscape of Pili Budaixi in Taiwan¡¨
7. Chunghao Kuo¡]³¢©¾»¨¡^
New York University
¡§Food-related Technology, Culinary Knowledge, and Regional Gastronomy in Early Modern China (from the mid-Ming Era to the Early 18th Century)¡¨
8. Yi-Hsiang Chang¡]±i¯q²»¡^
Columbia University
¡§Negotiated Legal Modernity: Chinese Judges in the Period of Legal Reform, 1907-1937¡¨
9. Ying-Chen Peng¡]´^¬Õ¯u¡^
University of California at Los Angeles
¡§This Imperial Body: The Cultural Enterprise of Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908)¡¨
10. Wei-Ti Chen¡]³¯Þ³²ý¡^
University of Chicago
¡§Geo-social Mobility and Jurisdictional Obstacles for Taiwanese Doctors under Japanese Colonialism¡¨
11. Fei-Hsien Wang¡]¤ý¸¥P¡^
University of Chicago
¡§Translating/Translated Profit: The Curious Journey of ¡¥Copyright¡¦ in China (1868-1937)¡¨
12. Lin-Yi Tseng¡]´¿ÄÖ»ö¡^
City University of New York
¡§Travelers under Japanese Imperialism: The Commercial Activities, Social Networks, and Modernity of Taiwanese Sekimin in the Zhaoshan Area (1895-1945)¡¨
13. Ching-Chih Lin¡]ªL·q´¼¡^
University of California at Berkeley
¡§Take Me to the Water: Environmental Transformation and Religious Adaptation among Boat-dwellers in Modern Shandong and Jiangsu¡¨
14. Kuei-Chen Lin¡]ªL¦c°»¡^
University of California at Los Angeles
¡§Social Complexity and Inter/Regional Interactions, Exemplified by the Sichuan Basin, China of the Bronze Age¡¨
15. Kuan-Hung Chen¡]³¯¼eÂE¡^
University of Hawai¡¥i at M?noa
¡§Knowledge and Conduct: Reexamining the Epistemic and Ethical Stances of Xunzi¡¨
16. Ya-Wen Lei¡]¹p¶®¶²¡^
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
¡§Consolidation of China¡¦s Counterpublic Spheres in Cyberspace: The Simultaneous Process of Constructing Online Counterpublic Spheres, Legality, and Citizen Identity¡¨
17. Yu-Ju Chien¡]²§±¾§¡^
University of Minnesota
¡§Constructing Knowledge and Policies on Avian Influenza: How are Global Disease Policies and the Discourse on ¡¥the Other¡¦ Manufactured?¡¨
18. Li-Chung Cheng¡]¾G§©¾¡^
University of Chicago
¡§The Co-construction of Profession and Politics: The Formation of Engineering Mind-set and the Neglect of Environmental-health Risk Governance in Taiwanese Administrative Regime of Environmental Protection, 1980-2010¡¨
19. Wen-Jiun Wang¡]¤ý¤å§g¡^
University of Pittsburgh
¡§The Formation of Inter-Organizational Networks in Extreme Events: A Comparative Study of the 1999 ChiChi Earthquake and the 2009 Typhoon Morakot¡¨
20. Ling-Fei Lin¡]ªL¬Â¦m¡^
Cornell University
¡§The Island of Normal Engineering: How Taiwanese Contract Manufacturers Matter in the History of Laptop Production, 1980-2005¡¨
21. Wei-Ting Wu¡]¥îºû´@¡^
City University of New York
¡§Expanding Political Space: Domestic Violence, Women¡¦s Groups and the State in
22. Kuen-Da Lin¡]ªL©[¹F¡^
University of Wisconsin at Madison
¡§Separation Anxiety: Explaining China¡¦s Neighborhood Policies¡¨
1. Hui-Ling Yang¡]·¨´f¬Â¡^¡]¤H¤å¾Ç¬ì²Õ³Æ¨ú1¡^
Arizona State University
¡§Grammaticalization in Hakka, Mandarin and Southern Min: The Interaction of Negatives with Interrogatives, Modality and Aspect¡¨
1. Hsiao-Ting Huang¡]¶ÀßN´@¡^¡]ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç²Õ³Æ¨ú1¡^
McGill University
¡§Tracing the Sporting Body across the Strait: A Comparative Study on Girls¡¦ Physical Education in Taiwan and China¡¨
G. ³Õ¤h½×¤å¼ú¾Çª÷Ãþ
1. Ke Li¡]§õ ¬_¡^
Indiana University at Bloomington
¡§Seeking Divorce in the Countryside: Marital Grievances, Dispute Resolution, and Gender Inequalities in Contemporary China¡¨
2. Ori Tavor
University of Pennsylvania
¡§Bio-spiritual Practices and Ritual Theories in Early and Medieval China¡¨
3. Junpeng Li
Columbia University
¡§Hayek¡¦s Disciples: Liberal Intellectuals in Post-Tiananmen China¡¨
4. William Nitzky
Arizona State University
¡§Living Heritage: The Cultural Politics of Heritage Protection in China¡¨
5. Gregory Scott
Columbia University
¡§Practices of Authenticity: Print Culture and the Modern Reconstruction of Buddhism in China¡¨
6. Jiayao Han
University of Pittsburgh
¡§Creating Visual Emblems for Eastern Zhou Militarized Frontier Societies (771-221 BCE)¡¨
7. Yi Kang
Yale University
¡§Turning Crises into Chances: Disaster Politics in Authoritarian Regimes¡¨
8. Chia-Yi Seetoo
University of California at Berkeley
¡§Kinaesthetic Inscriptions: Dancing/Writing the Global from Taiwan¡¨
9. Liping Wang
University of Chicago
¡§Ethnicizing the Frontier: Chinese Imperial Crisis and the Transformation of the Inner Mongolian Frontier, 1890-1949¡¨
10. Li Jiang¡]½± ÃU¡^
Harvard University
¡§Nominal Phrases and Language Variations¡¨
11. Hongyu Wu
University of Pittsburgh
¡§Leading the Good Life: Biographical Narratives and Instructions for Buddhist Lay Women in the High Qing (1683-1839)¡¨
12. Aurelia Campbell
University of Pennsylvania
¡§Emperors, Eunuchs, Craftsmen, and the Creation of the Gan-Qing Architectural Style in Early Ming China¡¨
13. Xiaoli Tian
University of Chicago
¡§Relocating Science: Medical Mission and Western Medicine in 19th-Century China¡¨
14. Oiyan Liu
Cornell University
¡§How Overseas Chinese Became Citizens of the Empires¡¨
15. Boliang Zhu¡]ªÇªi«G¡^
Columbia University
¡§Domestic Political Institutions and the Sectoral Composition of Inward Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries¡¨
16. Byung-Ho Lee¡]§õªÃÂî¡^
University of Michigan
¡§China between Empire and Nation: A Study of Making and Clearing Ethnic Group Boundaries¡¨
17. Scott Gregory¡]¸¯«ä¥¡^
Princeton University
¡§The Uses of the Margins: A Social History of the Shuihu Zhuan¡¨
18. Yan Long¡]Às «Û¡^
University of Michigan
¡§Constructing Political Actorhood: The Emergence and Transformation of the AIDS Movement in China, 1989-2009¡¨
19. Christy Delair
Brown University
¡§Crafting Indigenous Identity in Taiwan: The Role of Handicrafts in the Negotiation of Community¡¨
20. Jeffrey Rice
University of Pennsylvania
¡§Northern Song Reflections on the Tang¡¨
21. Tong Blackburn¡]µ{ §Í¡^
Indiana University at Bloomington
¡§Transcultural Hybridity in the Operas of Chinese-born American Composers: Bright Sheng, Tan Dun, and Zhou Long¡¨
22. Liangyu Fu¡]³Å¨}·ì¡^
University of Pittsburgh
¡§Found in Translation: Western Science Books, Maps, and Music in China, 1860-1920¡¨
23. Meina Cai¡]½²¬ü®R¡^
University of Wisconsin at Madison
¡§Political Origins of Property Rights: Public Finance, Land Property and Economic Growth in China¡¨
24. Charlotte Develyn
University of Hawai¡¥i at M?noa
¡§Sounding ¡¥Mongolian¡¦: The Horse-head Fiddle in Inner Mongolia, China¡¨
25. Olivier Henripin
Northwestern University
¡§Where is China? Cross-Strait Relations and the Strategic Social Construction of the Chinese National Homeland after 1949¡¨
H. ¥[®³¤j¨È¬w¬ã¨s¨ó·|³Õ¤h«á¬ã¨s¼ú§Uª÷¤Î³Õ¤h½×¤å¼ú¾Çª÷Ãþ
1. Olga Alexeeva
University of Quebec at Montreal
¡§Energy and Environmental Issues in Chinese Geopolitics: A Case Study of Mekong River Conflict¡¨
2. Alanna Krolikowski
University of Toronto
¡§China-U.S. Cooperation and Competition in Civil Air and Space¡¨
3. Craig Smith
University of British Columbia
¡§Asianism at the Margins of the Japanese Empire¡¨
¼Ú¬w¦a°Ï¼ú§U¦W³æ ³æ¦ì¡G¼Ú¤¸
A. ¾Ç³N¾÷ºc¸É§UÃþ
1. Joaquin Beltran
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain)
¡§East Asian Studies Undergraduate Program at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain¡¨
B. ¬ã¨spµeÃþ
1. Weipin Tsai
University of London (UK)
¡§Out of Many, One: The Transformation of Private Letter Hongs into a National Chinese Postal Service in the Late Qing Period¡¨
2. Vincent Goossaert
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)
¡§Chinese Religions in France¡¨
C. ¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|Ãþ
1. Jeffrey Henderson
University of Bristol (UK)
¡§China Rising: Towards a Global-Asian Era?¡¨
D. ¥Xª©¸É§UÃþ
1. Jana S. Ro?ker
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
¡§Traditional Chinese Philosophy and the Paradigm of Structure (Li ²z)¡¨
2. Aurelie Nevot
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)
¡§Versets chamaniques d¡¦un Maitre de la psalmodie (Shamanic Verses of a Master of Psalmody)¡¨
3. Boris Riftin¡]§õºÖ²M¡^
Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
¡§The Chinese Novel and Popular Prints¡¨
4. Ekaterina Zavidovskaya¡]¸¥i¹Å¡^
Saint Petersburg State University (Russia)
¡§Publication Subsidy for Publishing Popular Religion in Modern Taiwan: Temple Associations and Religious Activities¡¨
5. Shuang Xu
Universite Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (France)
¡§Imaginaires de l¡¦exil dans les litteratures contemporaines en Chine et au Japon (Imaginary of Exile in Contemporary Literature in China and in Japan)¡¨
E. ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¯d¾Ç¥Í³Õ¤h½×¤å¼ú¾Çª÷Ãþ
1. Ching-Ling Wang¡]¤ýÀRÆF¡^
Freie Universitat Berlin (Germany)
¡§Praying for Ten-thousand Goodness: Research on Buddha¡¦s Preaching by Ding Guanpeng¡¨
2. Pin-Chu Shih¡]¬I«~¦±¡^
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (France)
¡§Money Trees in Southwest China, 1st - 3rd Century: Style, Iconography, Religious and Social Significance¡¨
3. Shuli Wang¡]¤ýµÎ«W¡^
University of London (UK)
¡§Heritage on Display - The Poetics and Politics of China¡¦s Yinxu Archaeological Site Museum in the Making¡¨
4. Chun-Yu Lin¡]ªL§g¿Ù¡^
Lancaster University (UK)
¡§Border Control and Intimate Citizenship - A Study on the Affective Apparatus and Policies Concerning of Marriage Migrants from Southeast Asian Countries and Mainland China in Taiwan¡¨
5. Ya-Han Chuang¡]²ø¶®²[¡^
Universite de Paris IV - Paris Sorbonne (France)
¡§Two Modes of Chinese Globalisation: The New Chinese Community in France¡¨
6. Li-Wen Shih¡]¬IÄR¶²¡^
Lancaster University (UK)
¡§Body Enacted: Pleasure and Anxiety in Prenatal Genetic Screening and Testing in Taiwan¡¨
7. Yi-Yang Hung¡]¬x¤@´¡^
University of Oxford (UK)
¡§Fashioned Space - The Assemblage of Fashion as Affective Material¡¨
8. Hung-Jen Wang¡]¤ý§»¤¯¡^
University of Tubingen (Germany)
¡§The Making of International Relations Theory in China¡¨
9. Chien-Yu Shih¡]¨Í«Ø¦t¡^
University of London (UK)
¡§Uyghur Nationalism and Xinjiang in China-Central Asian Relations¡¨
10. Kuan-Hsun Chen¡]³¯«a¦°¡^
University of Edinburgh (UK)
¡§Benefit Sharing as Fair Terms of Social Cooperation in a Large-Scale Biomedical Database Project¡¨
11. Chenching Cheng¡]¾G·©¼y¡^
University of Edinburgh (UK)
¡§Transcending Ideological Boundaries during the Cold War Period in Pan Chinese Popular Music - The Case of Teresa Teng¡¨
1. Yu-Wen Chou¡]©P§¤å¡^¡]ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç²ÕÔ¸É2¡^
Freie Universitat Berlin (Germany)
¡§Berlin and Shanghai, Women in the Modern Times: The ¡¥New Woman¡¦ in Early Chinese and German Cinema¡¨
F. ³Õ¤h½×¤å¼ú¾Çª÷
1. Pablo Blitstein¡]¥Û«Où¡^
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (France)
¡§The Political Art of Texts: Political Dimensions of Textual Production in 5th - 6th Century Southern China¡¨
2. Yi Chen¡]³¯ ½Ë¡^
University of Oxford (UK)
¡§Interregional Interaction and Social Development ¡V Southern China from 3000 to 500 BC¡¨
3. Hailian Chen¡]³¯®ü³s¡^
University of Tubingen (Germany)
¡§Metal for Coin and Brass: Zinc Miners, Transporters, Merchants and Bureaucrats in Qing China, c.1684 ¡V 1835¡¨
4. J. Henning Huesemann¡]®}¬ù©M¡^
Leipzig University (Germany)
¡§Record and ¡¥Reality¡¦: Knowledge Construction in the Shuijing zhu of Li Daoyuan¡¨
5. Yijie Zhuang¡]²ø«³ªN¡^
University of Cambridge (UK)
¡§Landscape Change and its Interaction with Prehistoric Human Activities: Geoarchaeological Investigation in North China¡¨
6. May Farid
University of Oxford (UK)
¡§¡¥Wild Children¡¦: China¡¦s Grassroots Development Organizations and their Relationships with Local Government¡¨
7. Jacqueline Hobbs
University of Cambridge (UK)
¡§When the Milkbird Comes: Amdo-Tibetan Constructions of Time in Qinghai Province, PRC¡¨
8. Elisa Cencetti¡]¦ã²ú²ï¡^
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (France)
¡§The Sedentarization of Nomads: Transformation and Sociopolitical Reorganization of Amdo Tibetan Herders (Qinghai, P.R.C.)¡¨
9. Juliette Genevaz
University of Oxford (UK)
¡§The Chinese Revolutionary Army in the Reform Era (1980-2010)¡¨
10. Guillaume Dutournier¡]§ù³Ç±e¡^
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (France)
¡§Claiming Simplicity: The Philosophical Practice of Lu Jiuyuan ³°¤E²W (1139-1193). A Socio-historical Study of Distinctiveness in Southern Song Neo-Confucianism¡¨
11. Andreas Siegl
University of Munich (Germany)
¡§Discussing Power: Manchus, Mongols and Tibetans in Dialogue¡¨
12. Kathrin Messing
University of Munich (Germany)
¡§Story and History in Chen Shou¡¦s Sanguo zhi?¡¨
1. Wai Ling So¡]Ĭ´f¬Â¡^¡]Ô¸É1¡^
University of London (UK)
¡§Competition and Cooperation: Diederichsen, Jebsen & Company in German Qingdao and its Hinterland of Shandong¡¨
2. Pan Junliang¡]¼ï§g«G¡^¡]Ô¸É2¡^
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (France)
¡§Spirit Possession during the Six Dynasties¡¨
3. Marie-Helene Bernard¡]Ô¸É3¡^
Universite de Paris IV - Paris Sorbonne (France)
¡§R-R-R (Residence-Resonance-Resistance) Chinese Composers and Globalization¡¨
1. Frederick Shih-Chung Chen¡]³¯¥@±R¡^
University of Oxford (UK)
¡§The Early Formation of the Buddhist Otherworld Bureaucracy in Early Medieval China¡¨
A. ¬ã¨spµeÃþ
1. Martin Slobodnik
Comenius University (Slovakia)
¡§Islam in China: A Textbook¡¨
2. Agita Baltgalve and Julija Gumilova
University of Latvia (Latvia)
¡§Basic Chinese Language Lessons for Latvians¡¨