°ê¤º¦a°Ï¼ú§U¦W³æ ³æ¦ì¡G·s¥x¹ô(¤¸)
1. ´åŲ©ú
¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|ªñ¥N¥v¬ã¨s©Ò»P¼w°ê®ü¼w³ù¤j¾Ç±ö¹Å¼Ö¡]Barbara Mittler¡^¦@¦P¦X§@
¡§Early Chinese Periodicals Online (ECPO) -- Creating a Prototype for an Intelligent Archive¡¨
2. ³¢©Ó¤Ñ
¬Fªv¤j¾Ç¬Fªv¾Ç¨t»P¬ü°ê·R²üµØ¤j¾Çð¤å¤è¡]Wenfang Tang¡^¦@¦P¦X§@
¡§World Values Survey: Comparing Taiwan and Mainland China¡¨
3. °¨¬ùù¤Ò¡]Vladimir Mayorov¡^
¦¨¥\¤j¾Ç¥~°ê»y¤å¾Ç¨t»P«Xù´µ¬ì¾Ç°|Lydia Stezhenskaya¦@¦P¦X§@
¡§Current Russian Transcription and Study of Shu dzin ili Letopis Manuscript(ca 1840s)¡¨
4. ù²MµØ
»OÆW¤j¾Ç¦a½è¬ì¾Ç¨t»P^°ê¤û¬z¤j¾ÇA.M. Pollard¦@¦P¦X§@
¡§Reconstructing Dietary Systems of Prehistoric Populations in Taiwan from Isotope Analyses on Human Skeletons¡¨
1. §õ¼]¾Ç
¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|¤¤°ê¤åõ¬ã¨s©Ò»PÁú°ê±R¹ê¤j¾Ç§d²E¨¹¡]Soon-Bang Oh¡^¤Î»´ä¤¤¤å¤j¾Ç¾¤¤lÄP¡]Tsz Pang John Lai¡^¦@¦P¦X§@
¡§Creation and Translation: Re-reading and Re-publishing the Late-Qing Christian Novels in Chinese¡¨
C. °ê»Ú¦X§@¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|Ãþ
1. ªô´µ¹Å
¤¤¥¡¬ã¨s°|¤H¤åªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç¬ã¨s¤¤¤ß»P·s³Ø¨½¦h¥§¨È¦Ò¥j³¡Christophe Sand¦@¦P¦X§@
¡§International Conference on Cross-Regional Comparison of Ancient Migration and Exchange Patterns¡¨
D. °ê»Ú¦X§@½sµÛ¥Xª©Ãþ
1. ³Å¤Í²»
»OÆW¤j¾Ç¥~°ê»y¤å¾Ç¨t»P²üÄõEditions Rodopi¥Xª©ªÀGordon Collier¦@¦P¦X§@
¡§Transgressive Transcripts: Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Chinese Canadian Women¡¦s Writing¡¨
2. ¶ÀÄõ?
»O¥_¤j¾Ç¥Ç¸o¾Ç¬ã¨s©Ò»P¥[®³¤j¦w¤j²¤²z¤u¤j¾Ç±ä¥ß¸s¡]Liqun Cao¡^¦@¦P¦X§@
¡§Policing in Taiwan: From Authoritarian to Democratic¡¨
¬ü¬w¦a°Ï¼ú§U¦W³æ ³æ¦ì¡G¬ü¤¸
A. ¬ã¨spµeÃþ
1. T. Y. Wang¡]¤ý¼w¨|¡^
Illinois State University
¡§People Who Don¡¦t Party: Partisanship and Democratic Consolidation in Taiwan¡¨
2. Jin Huang
Saint Louis University
¡§Happiness and Economic Inequality in Urban China from the Perspective of Asset Poverty¡¨
3. Ping-chun Hsiung¡]ºµªÃ¯Â¡^
University of Toronto
¡§The Corrupting Influence of the State on the Production of Knowledge: Investigative Research in China¡¦s Great Leap Forward¡¨
4. Terry Kleeman
University of Colorado, Boulder
¡§The Materiality of Chinese Religions: Ritual Implements in Taiwan¡¨
5. Alison Marshall
Brandon University
¡§Mapping the Interconnected Spheres of Chinese Traditional and Modern Political, Religious and Cultural Lives and Identities through Overseas Mazu Temple Networks¡¨
6. Man-bun Kwan¡]Ãö¤åÙy¡^
University of Cincinnati
¡§Indigenization of Chemical Fertilizer in Taiwan¡¨
B. ¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|Ãþ
1. Tian-long Jiao¡]µJ¤ÑÀs¡^
Bishop Museum
¡§New Archaeological Investigations across the Taiwan Strait¡¨
2. Antje Richter
University of Colorado, Boulder
¡§Letters and Epistolary Culture in China¡¨
3. Peter Sturman
University of California, Santa Barbara
¡§Image and the Imaginary in 17th Century China, an Interdisciplinary Conference¡¨
4. Peter C. Y. Chow¡]©P¹dì¡^
American Association for Chinese Studies
¡§Application for a Grant to the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for the American Association for Chinese Studies¡¨
C. ¥Xª©¸É§UÃþ
1. William Hammell
Harvard University Press
¡§Facing the Monarch: Modes of Advice in the Early Chinese Court¡¨, edited by Garret P. Olberding
2. Emily Andrew
University of British Columbia Press
¡§Medicine, Culture, and Modernity in China, 1860-1937¡¨, by Bridie Andrews
3. Pamela Kelley
University of Hawaii Press
¡§The Qing Opening to the Ocean: Chinese Maritime Policies, 1684-1757¡¨, by Gang Zhao
D. ¾ÇªÌ¸É§UÃþ
1. Anthony Clark
Whitworth University
¡§Friars, Fairies, and the War of Immortals: Rethinking Cultural Conflict in Late Imperial China¡¨
2. Nancy Steinhardt
University of Pennsylvania
¡§The Mosque in China¡¨
3. Pei-te Lien¡]³s°ö¼w¡^
University of California, Santa Barbara
¡§Understanding Political Socialization through Citizenship Education in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China¡¨
4. Martin Huang
University of California, Irvine
¡§Husbands in Mourning: Bereavement, Memory, and Gender in Late Imperial China¡¨
5. Shin-yi Chao¡]»¯©ý¼Ý¡^
Rutgers University, Camden
¡§The Revival of Communal Religion in Rural Northern China¡¨
6. Mae Ngai¡]¦ã©ú¦p¡^
Columbia University
¡§Yellow and Gold: The Chinese Mining Diaspora, 1848-1908¡¨
7. Rania Huntington
University of Wisconsin, Madison
¡§Poetic Records of the Xuanhua Chamber: Writing and Loss across Generations of the Yu Family¡¨
8. Qin Gao¡]°ª µ^¡^
Fordham University
¡§Social Policy, Poverty, and Income Inequality in China: From 2002 to 2007¡¨
E. «C¦~¾ÇªÌ¸É§UÃþ
1. Yao Lu
Columbia University
¡§Vulnerability and Resilience: Health and Development of Migrant Children and Left Behind Children in China¡¨
2. Chien-hsin Tsai¡]½²«ØøÊ¡^
University of Texas, Austin
¡§A Passage to China: Taiwan Writers, Postloyalist Writings, and Chinese Experience, 1895-1945¡¨
3. Xinyu Dong¡]¸³·s¦t¡^
University of Chicago
¡§China at Play: Republican Film Comedies and Chinese Cinematic Modernity¡¨
4. Kwangmin Kim
University of Colorado, Boulder
¡§The Making of a Chinese Periphery -- History of Uyghuristan, 1400-1850¡¨
5. Elaine Liu¡]¼B¬ü¨°¡^
University of Houston
¡§Non Cognitive Ability, Trust and Technology Adoption: Evidence from China¡¨
6. Chien-jer Lin¡]ªL¤dõ¡^
Indiana University
¡§Restrictiveness and Chinese Relative Clauses: Perspectives from Sentence Processing¡¨
7. Shuang Chen
University of Iowa
¡§Social Formation under State Domination: State Categories and Wealth Stratification in Northeast China, 1815-1913¡¨
8. Frederik Green
Macalester College
¡§Trans-Cultural Chinese Romanticism: Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism and Nostalgia in Literature and Film of 20th Century China¡¨
F. ±M®×¸É§UÃþ
1. Robert Snow
CIAC, Association for Asian Studies
¡§CCKF-CIAC Research Grants Program and CCKF Graduate Student Paper Awards¡¨
G. ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¯d¾Ç¥Í³Õ¤h½×¤å¼ú¾Çª÷Ãþ
1. Ya-Chu Yang¡]·¨¶®µ®¡^
Indiana University, Bloomington
¡§Love in Translation: Culture, Nation, and Identity Reconstructions in Contemporary Fiction and Film¡¨
2. Chien-heng Wu¡]§d«Ø¦ë¡^
University of California, Los Angeles
¡§Re-made in Taiwan: Subjectivity, Community and the Politics of Affirmation¡¨
3. Chia-Chieh Tseng¡]´¿¨ÎÔС^
Rutgers University
¡§The Poetics of Transparency: Modernizing Cities and Glass Cultures in the Late 19th Century European Novels and the Late 20th Century Taiwanese/Chinese Films¡¨
4. Lin-Yi Tseng¡]´¿ÄÖ»ö¡^
City University of New York
¡§Travelers under Japanese Imperialism: The Commercial Activities, Social Networks, and Modernity of Taiwanese Sekimin in the Zhaoshan Area (1895-1945)¡¨
5. Yun-Ru Chen¡]³¯Ãý¦p¡^
Harvard University
¡§The Encounter between the Imperial Chinese and the Modern Japanese Law: The Transformation and Reconstruction of Law and Custom in Colonial Taiwan¡¨
6. Mei-Yu Lin¡]ªL¬ü§±¡^
University of the West
¡§Coming to Terms with Zhiyi¡¦s Mindfulness of Buddha: A Critical Reading of Zhiyi¡¦s Theory in Dynamic Mind¡¨
7. Chen-Hsiu Kuo¡]³¢s¨q¡^
University of California, Los Angeles
¡§Prosodic Boundaries and the Taiwanese Tone Sandhi Group¡¨
8. Chen-chun E¡]¶ks§g¡^
University of Arizona
¡§Generative Syntax: Comparative Correlative Constructions in Mandarin Chinese and Other Languages¡¨
9. Yu-Sheng Lin¡]ªL¯§¸t¡^
Rutgers University
¡§Every Decision Matters: Dilemma-solving and the Life Course of Social Movements in Taiwan¡¨
10. Kuo-Min Chiu¡]ªô°ê¥Á¡^
State University of New York, Buffalo
¡§Generation Compared: History Education Experiences, Collective Memory and Identity Formation of Taiwanese Generations in the United States¡¨
11. Yu-Ling Huang¡]¶À¤_¬Â¡^
State University of New York, Binghamton
¡§When Bio-politics Met Hegemony: The International Network of Demographic Knowledge, Contraceptive Technology, and Population Policy between Postwar Taiwan and the United States¡¨
12. Ju-fang Tseng¡]´¿¦pªÚ¡^
The Catholic University of America
¡§Christian Conversion in Taiwan: A Study of Presbyterian Converts from Traditional Chinese Religions¡¨
13. Chiaoyen Yang¡]·¨¼bÆA¡^
University of Washington
¡§Cultural Resilience and Social Change: Challenges for Lijiang Naxi Old Town as a World Heritage Site¡¨
14. Ke-hsien Huang¡]¶À§J¥ý¡^
Northwestern University
¡§The Encounter between Old Magicians and New Rich: The Rise and Transformation of Popular Christianity in the Reform Era of China¡¨
15. Shih-Hsiang Sung¡]§º¥@²»¡^
University of Pittsburgh
¡§The Flowing Materiality of Crystal: A Global Commodity Chain of Fengshui Objects from Brazil, China to Taiwan¡¨
16. Meng-Hua Hsieh¡]Á©s¾ì¡^
University of Washington
¡§The Role of Long-term Orientation and Implicit Theories in Consumer Decision Making: A Cross-cultural Study in Taiwan and the United States¡¨
17. Hsuan-Ying Huang¡]¶À«Å¿o¡^
Harvard University
¡§Psycho-boom: A Movement of Learning Psychotherapy in Urban China¡¨
18. Shu-Mei Huang¡]¶ÀµÎ·°¡^
University of Washington
¡§Tenant¡¦s Right to the City: Contested Urban Citizenship in the Redeveloping City of Hong Kong in Post-handover Era¡¨
19. Chien-Ke Cheng¡]¾G«Ø¬ì¡^
Illinois Institute of Technology
¡§Sustainable Urban Design within Contemporary Urban Policy: Comparative Study between Taipei and Chicago¡¨
20. Hsuan-Ting Chen¡]³¯¸©®x¡^
University of Texas, Austin
¡§The Active Issue Publics in the High-choice Media Environment: Issue-based Selective Exposure, Political Knowledge, and Attitude Extremity¡¨
1. Yen-Pin Su¡]Ĭ«ÛÙy¡^¡]ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç²ÕÔ¸É3¡^
University of Pittsburgh
¡§Parties, Elections and Protests: Empirical Analyses and a Comparative Study on Taiwan and Peru¡¨
2. Ning Hsieh¡]Á ¹ç¡^¡]ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç²ÕÔ¸É4¡^
University of Pennsylvania
¡§Social Networks, Social Support, and Mental Health: Three Comparative Studies of China and Other Societies¡¨
3. Tzu-Te Wen¡]·Å¯ª¼w¡^¡]ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç²ÕÔ¸É6¡^
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
¡§Reformation of Screening Mechanism to Prosecutorial Charging Decision in the Republic of China (Taiwan): A Comparative and Law and Economic Study¡¨
H. ³Õ¤h½×¤å¼ú¾Çª÷Ãþ
1. Luman Wang
University of Southern California
¡§Money and Trade, Hinterland and Coast, Empire and Nation-state: Shanxi Piaohao (remittance firms), 1820s-1930s¡¨
2. Xiaojun Li
Stanford University
¡§The Political Economy of China¡¦s Trade Policies¡¨
3. Ai Wang
Washington State University
¡§River, City and People: The Hai River and the Construction of 20th Century Tianjin, 1897-1949¡¨
4. Yue Zhang
University of Toronto
¡§Historical Memory and Nostalgia in Poetry -- ¡§Poems on History¡¨ (Yongshi Shi µú¥v¸Ö) from the Selections of Refined Literature (Wen Xuan ¤å¿ï)¡¨
5. Leah Larson-Rabin
University of Wisconsin, Madison
¡§Under Threat of Protest: How Environmental Challenges Shape Citizen Action in Rural China¡¨
6. Wanxia Zhao
Indiana University
¡§The Developing Purposes of Low-income College Students in China¡¦s Elite Universities: Recourse, Constraint and Disposition¡¨
7. Ling Han
University of California, San Diego
¡§Helping People Help Themselves: The Professionalization of Social Work in Urban China¡¨
8. Cuilan Liu
Harvard University
¡§The Role of Music in Buddhism: A Study on the Interpretations of Sacred Buddhist Texts in China and Tibet¡¨
9. Philip Thai
Stanford University
¡§Smuggling, State-building, and Political Economy in Coastal China, 1900-1960¡¨
10. Soonyi Lee
New York University
¡§The Transnational Formation of Socialism in Early 20th Century East Asia: Zhang Junmai¡¦s and Zhang Dongsun¡¦s Ethical Philosophy¡¨
11. Max Woodworth
University of California, Berkeley
¡§Frontier Boomtown Urbanism: Natural Resources and Built Environments in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China¡¨
12. Michelle Wang
University of California, Berkeley
¡§Characters of Design: Writing and Materiality in Early China¡¨
13. Gregory Patterson
Columbia University
¡§Elegies for Empire: The Poetics of Memory in Du Fu¡¦s Late Work, 766-768¡¨
14. Ying Hu
Stanford University
¡§Justice on the Steppe: Legal Institutions and Practice in Qing Mongolia¡¨
15. Ting Zhang
Johns Hopkins University
¡§Printing and Legal Culture in Late Imperial China¡¨
16. Brian Tsui
Columbia University
¡§China¡¦s Forgotten Revolution: Radical Conservatism in Action, 1927-1949¡¨
17. Margaret Tillman
University of California, Berkeley
¡§The Structure of Society: Early Childhood Education in China, 1903-1957¡¨
18. Kwok Wai Hui
University of Chicago
¡§Revolution, Modernity and ¡¥Traditional¡¦ Culture: Opera Films in Socialist Shanghai and Colonial Hong Kong in the 1950s and 1960s¡¨
19. Phonshia Nie
Northwestern University
¡§¡¥The Spirit of Progress¡¦: Chinese Americans, Race, and the Limits of Jim Crow¡¨
20. Matthew West
Columbia University
¡§Intellectual Property and the Knowledge Economy¡¦s Global Division of Labor: Producing Green-technology between Taiwan and China¡¨
21. Xiaohong Xu
Yale University
¡§Building the People¡¦s Republic of Virtue: Ethical Activism and Social Discipline in Revolutionary China¡¨
22. Minlei Ye
Princeton University
¡§Amateurs of Kunqu Opera: Taste, Nation, and Cultural Space in Republican China, 1900-1950¡¨
23. Casey Miller
Brandeis University
¡§Grassroots Gay and Lesbian Organizations, HIV/AIDS, and the Construction of Civil Society in Mainland China¡¨
24. Jia Ching Chen
University of California, Berkeley
¡§Greening Space, Economy and Society in Rural China: Environmental Governance and Socio-spatial Transformation in the Yixing City Region¡¨
25. Phillip Bloom
Harvard University
¡§Beyond the Buddha: Early Icons of the Water-land Ritual and the Transformation of the Visual Culture of Song-dynasty (960-1279) Religion¡¨
26. Kerry Ratigan
University of Wisconsin, Madison
¡§China¡¦s Local ¡¥Welfare States¡¦: Reform and Variation in Rural Healthcare Provision¡¨
I. ¥[®³¤j¨È¬w¬ã¨s¨ó·|³Õ¤h«á¬ã¨s¼ú§Uª÷¤Î³Õ¤h½×¤å¼ú¾Çª÷Ãþ
1. Dominic Meng-hsuan Yang
University of British Columbia
¡§The Great Mainland Exodus to Taiwan: Exile, Sojourn, Nostalgia, Return and Identity Formation¡¨
2. Myles Hulme
Carleton University
¡§Negotiating Political Space : Situating Taiwan in the International Community¡¨
3. Wanming Wang
McGill University
¡§Literary Communities and the Production of Women¡¦s Literary Culture in Late Imperial China¡¨
¼Ú¬w¦a°Ï¼ú§U¦W³æ ³æ¦ì¡G¼Ú¤¸
A. ¬ã¨spµeÃþ
1. Jana S. Ro?ker¡]ù¨È®R¡^
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
¡§Taiwanese Modern Confucians and their Philosophical Contribution to Asian Modernization¡¨
2. Fabienne Jagou¡]¨¦ ´P¡^
Ecole Francaise d¡¦Extreme-Orient (France)
¡§Practice of Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan, with a Comparative Analysis with the French Example¡¨
3. Yuqin Huang
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (Germany)
¡§Taking Jesus Back to China: How Will Foreign-educated Chinese Christian Returnees Impact Christianity in Contemporary China?¡¨
4. Christian Lehmann
University of Erfurt (Germany)
¡§Documentation and Description of the Kanakanavu Language, an Endangered Language of Formosa (Taiwan R.O.C.)¡¨
5. Xiaoling Zhang
University of Nottingham (UK)
¡§China¡¦s Promotion of Soft Power in Africa: A Study of Emerging Media and Cultural Relations between China and Southern Africa¡¨
B. ¾Ç³N¬ã°Q·|Ãþ
1. Angela Schottenhammer¡]¿½ ´@¡^
Ghent University (Belgium)
¡§Crossroads between Empires and Peripheries -- Knowledge Transfer, Product Exchange and Human Movement in the Indian Ocean World¡¨
2. Geoffrey Ernest Richard Lloyd¡]ù ¬É¡^
Needham Research Institute (UK)
¡§Comparing Ancient Worlds: Greece and China¡¨
3. Susan Whitfield¡]ÃQ ªl¡^
The British Library (UK)
¡§Archaeology of the Southern Taklamakan: Hedin and Stein¡¦s Legacy and New Explorations¡¨
4. Ming-chin Monique Chu¡]¦¶©úµ^¡^
SOAS, University of London (UK)
¡§Cross-Strait Relations in the Age of Globalization: Globalization-Security Linkages¡¨
5. James Lin
University of Cambridge (UK)
¡§Life and Afterlife of Han China¡¨
C. ¥Xª©¸É§UÃþ
1. Vibeke Bordahl¡]©ö¼wªi¡^
Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (Denmark)
¡§Wu Song Fights the Tiger¡¨
2. Carine Defoort¡]À¹¥dµY¡^
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
¡§The Many Faces of Mozi: Variety and Evolution in the Mozi¡¨
3. Irina Popova¡]ªiªi«½¡^
Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
¡§Publication of a Collected Works ¡¥Tangut in Central Asia¡¦¡¨
D. ±M®×¸É§UÃþ
1. Roger Greatrex
European Association for Chinese Studies (Sweden)
¡§EACS Biannual Conference and EACS Young Scholar Award¡¨
2. Imre Hamar¡]°q²M·s¡^
Eotvos Lorand University (Hungary)
¡§¡¥Tang Dynasty and the World Outside China¡¦: A Sinological Summer School in Budapest¡¨
E. ¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¯d¾Ç¥Í³Õ¤h½×¤å¼ú¾Çª÷Ãþ
1. Yin-Chen Kang¡]±d¤¨s¡^
SOAS, University of London (UK)
¡§The Formation of Taiwanese Classic Theatre: 1900s-1930s¡¨
2. Chia-Lin Huang¡]¶À¨ÎµY¡^
SOAS, University of London (UK)
¡§Imperial Eyes Examined: The British Encounter with Formosa in the Nineteenth Century¡¨
3. I-Wei Wu¡]§d»õ°¶¡^
University of Heidelberg (Germany)
¡u¤£¥¿Åªº¥@¬É¡Ð¤¤°êªñ¥N³ø¥Z¤Wªº¿Ø¨ëµe (1867-1918)¡v
¡§A World of Asymmetries: Caricatures in Chinese Illustrated Newspapers and Periodicals (1867-1918)¡¨
4. Chun-Ying Wang¡]¤ý²E¼ü¡^
Institute of Education, University of London (UK)
¡§Conceptual Metaphors in the Use of Prepositions in English and Mandarin: A Comparative Study¡¨
5. Pin-Chuan Chen¡]³¯Ùy¥þ¡^
Goldsmiths College, University of London (UK)
¡§A Critical History of Taiwanese Independent Documentary: Social, Political and Aesthetics¡¨
6. Chih-Suei Shaw¡]¿½´ÓÁJ¡^
University of Oxford (UK)
¡§Asia and its Others: The Politics of Identity in the Music of Chen Yi, Chin Unsuk, and Karen Tanaka¡¨
7. Yu-Ling Chou¡]©P§ÄÖ¡^
Birkbeck College, University of London (UK)
¡§The Archive of the Loss -- Concepts of Archives in Chen Chieh-jen¡¦s Film Works¡¨
8. Wan Ju Lee¡]§õ©{¾§¡^
Lancaster University (UK)
¡§Political Economies of Promises: The Case of the Taiwan Biobank¡¨
9. I-Liang Wahn¡]¸U¤¨«G¡^
University of Essex (UK)
¡§East Asia Consumerism: Comparing Consumer Movements and Consumer Institutions in Japan, China, and Taiwan¡¨
10. Meiwen Chen¡]³¯ª´Ê¹¡^
Leiden University (The Netherlands)
¡§Transcendence and Yao Ritual Manuscripts: Peach Spring Grotto, Female Deities and Yao Literacy¡¨
11. Shang-Ju Yang¡]·¨©|¾§¡^
Humboldt University Berlin (Germany)
¡§The Theoretical Origin of the Constitutional Amendment in Taiwan: The Concept of the Pouvoir Constituent of Sieyes and Schmitt¡¨
12. Wei-Ju Huang¡]¶À°¶¯ø¡^
Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands)
¡§Technology Policy and the Organization of Space: In Cases of Hsinchu City-Region, Taiwan, and Eindhoven City-Region, the Netherlands¡¨
13. Peiwen Lu¡]¿c¨K¤å¡^
Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands)
¡§Planning Integration with Resilience Notion for Flood Risk Management in Coastal Metropolitan Regions: A Comparative Study in Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Rotterdam¡¨
14. Shih-Hsin Chen¡]³¯¸ÖªY¡^
University of Nottingham (UK)
¡§Knowledge Transformation and Technology Policy: The Case of the Biopharmaceutical Innovation System in Taiwan¡¨
1. Shang-pei Chung¡]Áé©|¿¡^¡]ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç²ÕÔ¸É2¡^
Queen Mary, University of London (UK)
¡§Patent as Property in Taiwanese Jurisprudence¡¨
2. Chenkun Chung¡]Á鮶©[¡^¡]ªÀ·|¬ì¾Ç²ÕÔ¸É5¡^
Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands)
¡§Research of Waterfront Morphology between Port City and Delta under Effects of Climate Change -- Kaohsiung in Taiwan and Rotterdam in the Netherlands as Examples¡¨
F. ³Õ¤h½×¤å¼ú¾Çª÷
1. Claude Chevaleyre
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (France)
¡§Bondage in Late Imperial China: The Condition and Evolution of the Status of ¡¥Bondservants¡¦¡¨
2. Astrid Nordin
University of Manchester (UK)
¡§Doing and Undoing Things with Words in Chinese Politics: ¡¥Harmonious World¡¦ in the Hu Era¡¨
3. Julie Remoiville
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (France)
¡§Research on the Religious Revival in Contemporary and Urban China through Key Actors: Elderly Women¡¨
4. Chen Li
University of Cambridge (UK)
¡§Reinventing China Inc.: Industrial Policy, Institutional Evolution and the Central Industrial Order¡¨