歐洲地區補助案 1999-2000



University of Wien 
Otto Ladstatter 
Librarianship for Three Years 
$ 84,600



Michel Cartier 
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales 
From Orientalism to Chinese Studies 

Imre Hamar 
Eotvos Lorand University 
The Chinese Versions of the Sutra "Manifestation of the Buddha" and the Chinese Commentaries to It 

Vladimir A. Moiseyev
Altai State University 
Russia-USSR-Sinkiang: Actual Problem of Relations and Interaction 1881~1937 
$ 12,000

Paolo Santangelo 
State University of Oriental Studies 
Perception, Expression and Evaluation of Emotions in the Ming-Qing Period 

Emotions in History and Literature: An interdisciplinary research on emotions and states of mind in Ming-Qing China

Hans van de Ven 
University of Cambridge 
The Chinese Maritime Customs Service: The History of a Chinese-British Bureaucracy and Its Impact on the Economic, Political, and Society History of China (1854~1949) 

Toshio Watanabe 
London Institute Chelsea College of Art & Design 
Refracted Colonial Modernity: Effects of Japanese Cultural Imperialism on the Formation of Modern Taiwanese Identities in Art & Design 


Robert Bickers 
University of Bristol 
1900:The Boxers, China, and the World 

Michel Hockx 
University of London 
International Workshop :"Subscribing to a New Culture: Chinese Literary Journals of the 1910" 

Michel Hockx 
University of London 
Enhancement of the "Current Issues in Chinese Studies" 

Stefania Stafutti 
University of Torino 
XIII Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies "The Spirit of the Metropolis" 


Oriental Ceramic Society 
Oliver Impey 
Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society (TOCS) 

Charles University 
Augustin Palat 
Publication of a Monograph"Medieval China. Society and Customs during the Sung and Yuan Dynasties" 

Ruhr-Universitat Bochum 
Raoul David Findeisen 
China and Her Biographical Dimensions---Commemorative Essays for Helmut Martin 




Terence Billeter 
Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris 
Nationalism and Identity Strategies in China: The Figure of the Yellow Emperor and Its Contemporary Use 

Sheng-ching Chang
Humboldt-Universitat Berlin 
The Image of China in Nature and Landscape of Athanasius Kircher's "China Illustrata" (1667) 

Yu-ju Chou
University of Edinburgh 
Hemispheric Superiority in Chinese Scripts Recognition 

Luca Gabbiani 
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales 
Public Health and Reform in Late Qing Beijing 

Romain Graziani 
University of Paris 7-Denis Diderot 
The Lore of the Mind: The Xin Seen as the Ruler of the Body and the Heart of the World. A Translation and Study of the Four Xin Shu of the Guanzi 

Helena Heroldova 
Charles University 
Science Fiction in China at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century: Relation to the Traditional Fantastic Narrative and Wsetern science Fiction 

Tao-ming Huang
University of Essex
Articulating Niezi: Male Homosexuality in Contemporary Taiwanese Culture 

Yu-chung Lee
Universidad de Sevilla
Conflict and Reciprocation: Chinese Economic Activities in the Spanish Philippines during the Period of Economic Development (1778-1898) 

Song Hwee Lim
University of Cambridge 
Male Homosexality in Films from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong of the 1990s 

Chin-ju Lin
University of Essex 
Woman and the Taiwanese Patriarchal Family (1920-1998) 

Frances Weightman
University of Edinburgh 
Pu Songling and the Intellectual Trends of the Early Qing 

Daniela Zhang-Czirakova 
Charles University 
Metamorphoses of Chinese Painting-The Process of Forming Abstract Painting in Contemporary Chinese Art 


Florence Bretelle-Establet 
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 
Late Imperial Southern Medical Writings: Local Medical Culture and Local Profession of Healing 

Fabienne Jagou 
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales 
The Chinese Government's Policy Towards Tibet from 1928 until 1942 

Bengt Pettersson 
Stockholm University 
Translation of the Hou Hanshu 



Charles University 
CCK-ISC Annual Budget 

Charles University 
Translation of “My Sister China” 