Research Grants


Scholars at academic institutions are eligible to apply for research grants. Researchers focusing on the social, cultural, economic or political development of Taiwan over the past few decades are especially encouraged to apply. Priority will be given to collaborative projects with scholars in Taiwan. Research grants are usually given for no more than two years.

The budget for research grants does not include salary for the researcher except for summer salary calculated at 1/9 of the scholar's annual salary. An average research grant might also include costs for research assistants, living costs, and travel expenses. To assist you with your research budget, you may wish to use the following guidelines for living costs abroad:

  1. First month $120 a day
  2. Thereafter $60 a day
  3. Round trip costs from the East coast to East Asia are approximately $1,500.

Research grant applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  1. The long-term impact of the proposed project.
  2. The importance of the proposed project in its field.
  3. Originality and feasibility.
  4. Collaboration with other scholars.

All applications must include the following items, in the order listed below:

  1. Project abstract.
  2. A detailed itemized budget (If this sum is to be supplemented by matching funds, please include this information in the budget).
  3. A description of the proposed project of no more than 7 pages in length.
  4. Curriculum vitae of the project director and all co-directors, including lists of publications over the last five years that are related to the proposed project.
  5. Letters of support from the applicant's school and project participant's institution (if any).


  1. The Foundation's grants provide support for research on Chinese Studies in the humanities and social sciences.
  2. Funding is not provided for capital equipment (including computers and printers), building design, construction, or maintenance.
  3. Funding is not available for university administrative costs including overhead or endowments.
  4. The Foundation does not subsidize administrative expenses or the purchase of equipment.
  5. Foundation funds can only be transferred to and managed by institutional accounts. Letters of support from the applicant's institution must express the institution's willingness to comply with these procedures.
  6. With the exception of Senior Scholar Grants, the Foundation does not supply funding for the salaries for project directors or co-directors.
  7. The Foundation does not fund library acquisitions.
  8. An applicant who already has a two-year research grant is not eligible to apply for a CCK Grant for Scholars that would run concurrently with the research grant. The research grant must end before an applicant can apply for a CCK Grant for Scholars.
  9. The Foundation encourages applications with matching funds from other sources.
  10. The Foundation reserves the right to post project abstracts and reports on its websites.


  1. Applications must be submitted to our online application database. E-mail and paper applications will not be accepted. Applications may be submitted every year from August 1 to October 15 (to start the application process, please click here).
  2. The Foundation will initially direct all messages and correspondence about the applications to respective project directors. If a grant is approved, the CCK Foundation, in most cases, will then correspond with the university's grant administrator to arrange payments over the period of the grant.
  3. The Foundation does not provide a written critique for unsuccessful applications.


  1. The application period for this type of grants is from August 1 to October 15. Applications after October 15 will not be accepted.
  2. A list of grant recipients will be announced in early June of the year following the October deadline.


Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange

13F 65 Tun Hua South Rd., Sec. 2
Taipei, Taiwan 106 ROC

Tel: +886-2-2704-5333 ext.19

Fax: +886-2-2701-6762