Doctoral Fellowships
This program is designed for non-ROC citizens who are doctoral candidates, who are enrolled in an accredited European university, and who are in the last stage of their Ph.D. research. Applicants may apply for fellowships to support the completion of dissertations in Chinese Studies in the humanities and social sciences. Applicants must submit supporting materials pertaining to the writing of their dissertations, including a detailed project description and at least two(2) recommendation letters. Awards are for EUR15,000, and are given for a period extending one year. Funding for successful applications will begin in July. Citizens of the ROC should apply for Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad.
Applicants should inform the Foundation if they are applying for or subsequently receive other sources of funding. Grants are available only to doctoral candidates who are neither employed nor receiving grants from other sources during the grant period.
Ph.D. students at European universities who are non-ROC citizens, who are in the last year of writing their dissertations, and who meet all of the following conditions are eligible to apply:
A. Items to be submitted with the electronic application
(1)Detailed project description (approximately 7 pages, including one-page bibliographic essay on sources used, as well as a bibliography of primary sources and secondary scholarship related to the dissertation not exceeding 70 items, any format acceptable);
(2)Departmental letter demonstrating proof of candidacy;
(3)Curriculum vitae.
B. Items to be mailed directly to the Foundation
(1)Two letters of recommendation, including one by the dissertation advisor (submitted in sealed envelopes signed by the recommending professor);
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange
13F 65 Tun Hua South Rd., Sec. 2
Taipei, Taiwan 106 ROC
Tel: +886-2-2704-5333 ext.19
Fax: +886-2-2701-6762