Recipients for the Asia-Pacific Region 2001-2002  


Research Grants

Sae-bong Ha
Dong-Eui University 
Taiwan and Its Self-Images: An Analysis of Various Expositions Concerning Taiwan in East Asia in the Early Twentieth Century 

David L. Holm 
University of Melbourne 
Zhuang Ritual Text: Spirit Mediumship and Taoism in South China 

Nan-Chiang Lieu
Macquarie University 
Nestorian (Ching-chiao) and Manichean (Ming-chiao) Remains in Ch'uan-chou (Quanzhou, Zaitun) in S. China--
An Epigraphical Religious-Historical and Art-Historical Survey 

John Makeham
Adelaide University 
Discourse on Confucianism in Contemporary Taiwan China 

Yunji Wu
University of Melbourne  
A Synchronic and Diachronic Study on the Grammar of the Chinese Xiang Dialect Group 